Wing man | Social circle | Be amazing

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[For English speakers]

Hello, gentlemen, 

I am looking for wingmen for night game and day game in Berlin.

I am Ranger, 29. I moved to Berlin 7 month ago. I have been in the game for a couple years on and off. I know the theories well and have a few notches on my belt

I am looking for motivated, get going men who are fully committed to learn and devlop

I am a big fan of the Mystery Method but you are welcome to bring your own style and game to the table.

I can help you with the theory and give you feedback but I am looking forward to learn from you as well.

We will go out on Friday and Saturday nights and possibly on Sunday for day game. Each week we will be exploring parts of Berlin. Going to cool events that are target reach and visiting venues and bars that are not too loud to make conversations.

You will be invited to a provate telgram group where we can share field reports, feedback and support one another.

You can approach in German if you prefere but make sure to switch to English when your wing, who does not speak German, enters your sit.

Let's develop ourselves, and grow together as men. Enjoy our time, have fun and build our social circles.

So you want in, reach out: [Deleted from Mod - EMail Addresses are not allowed]

Gentelmen, let's do this!!

bearbeitet von H54

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Hey guys,

I live near Kreuzberg/Neukölln, 26 and looking to go out with others so we can develop our social circle and approach, approach, approach!

I speak German natively, but am also fluent in English.

PM me if you're interested.

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