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First of all, being a social robot is cool. I like being a social robot. It's fun. So FUCK Y'ALL.

Second, chances are if you're reading this site, your game ain't that great. And if your game ain't that great, the missing piece AIN'T LIFESTYLE. The missing piece is GAME.

You think you need some ELABORATE LIFESTYLE to PULL A CHICK?! LOL..

This shit isn't entertaining the Queen.. Cummon!

Newsflash: I lived in a congested CLOSET with a single mattress in it for a year, and got laid more than anyone at Project Hollywood for the duration of the time I was there (unless you count not going out and having sex with the same girl over and over as getting laid, in which case I did pretty bad.)

And before that - I travelled for a year sleeping on the floors of hotel rooms that I usually shared with six or eight guys. And you want to know what I did then? I pulled girls from clubs back to the hotel bathroom (while they asked - "What are all these guys doing in here?!") and turned on the shower to cover up the noise and turned the lights off so they would forget they were hooking up with a guy they just met in a BATHROOM!

Every day I read these guys saying that their missing piece is lifestyle. SHUT THE FUCK UP!! The missing piece is YOU SUCK..

Guys might clown me for living shitty for a year to save money while I built a business and a skillset. Well, I don't blame them. Because they aren't where I'm at right now, and they probably never will be. They know they're not getting to the level I'm at because they aren't willing to give up the comforts that I was willing to give up in order to get there. So they'd might as well find fault in SOMETHING.

I remember living at Project Hollywood, and guys would talk to me about LIFESTYLE like "Why do you go out so much?" or "Why not get a girlfriend?" or "Why hang out with PUAs and not girls?" Like, as if getting an LTR or female friends was some kind of accomplishment or rocket science that I didn't have since I was nineteen.

Most of them sat around the house watching movies or playing video games or sniffing whip-its, or just chilling with the same girl every single day. Apparently they had big things on the go, I don't know. I mean really, I don't know. I didn't see anything come out of it, but it's very possible that they did.

I just knew one thing: I had MY OWN reasons for being there in the first place, and I wasn't going to let peer pressure from guys who had changed up their plans at the half way mark distract me from following through with the goals that I'd set for myself (to actualize my potential, by developing the social skills I was capable of).

In the case of Pro Ho, I was paying more than I could afford to live in West Hollywood, and I'd made the commitment BEFORE I'd moved in that if I was going to stretch myself like that then I would work on my skillset EVERY DAY.

Here's why:

I knew I was paying THROUGH THE NOSE to live in an overpriced house in West Hollywood, two minutes away from the bars. If I want to do something OTHER than sarge girls in West Hollywood venues, then I'll do it somewhere CHEAPER. Sure, I met great girls to be in LTRs with (at the end of the lease, I picked my favourite one and we're still together.) But at that point my outlook was, "I have the rest of my life to be in an LTR and hang out with NON-community friends, whereas I've got 12 months to live with PUA wingmen right beside the hottest clubs in West Hollywood."

Now don't get it confused - lifestyle is the shizzznet. The epiphany that lifestyle is more efficient than sarging (IF your game is already tight) is spot on. Whoever came up with that one was a smart dude (Wait, wasn't I one of the first dudes to start spreading that out of common sense?! I forgot!) When you roll out and you've got people coming up on you giving you props and a circle of cool guy and girlfriends to draw new girls into that's GREAT.

But guys have the ORDER of how this goes down TWISTED.

When I roll out, I'm not running up on girls like "pump, pump, pump, number" and jumping to the next girl like a monkey swinging off of branches. I'm in the club to have a good time, and I'm meeting all sorts of people. I've got all that lifestyle shit on lock automatically. Is this shit so complicated as to even need whole posts on it?!

I have more female friends that I could ever keep track of from all the sarges I did that didn't result in sex. And I've got guy friends as well since making friends with guys is automatic because of commonalities. I know more people in any club in Los Angeles than a lot of famous socialites do. I could write a book on LIFESTYLE. But I never made a CONCIOUS EFFORT do implement it, other than to be a cool guy and go out and get to know people and going with the flow.

Why was I able to do this? BECAUSE OF GAME. If you're a CHODE and you're rolling out trying to build this lifestyle, people don't take it seriously. Nobody wants to hang with chodes, no matter what their lifestyle is. They might use them to get into a party, but they're not HANGING with them. So that wasn't my approach. I built lifestyle AUTOMATICALLY and PROACTIVELY through the game. It was simple, once I had the base of social skills.

And you know what's cool about it? When I talk to people and they want to hang out, it's because of ME and MY SOCIAL SKILLS.. Not some lifestyle I built to make people want to use me for connections. I might build these connections NATURALLY, but it's on top of what I've already got.. I'm definitely not going to be one of those guys who can't travel to a different city or country and can't get meet girls because my crew isn't on hand. That whole philosophy is BACKWARDS LOOKING. It's REGRESSIVE.

I read these posts by guys who I've met personally and who I know aren't the types to be cool or to have people wanting to hang with them, and they're telling me that they're building lifestyle and inner game. I'm thinking to myself "If you had the social skills, then the lifestyle would COME TO YOU.. And your inner game would be good because you'd offer a good energy to people and have something real to feel good about rather than doing incantations and deluding yourself that you're the prize when you have nothing to back it up.."

So what was my reasoning for being a champion social robot and going full out at this game shit for three years? Simple. I had a plan, and I carried it through. The way I see it, if I'm going to make a plan and I can't stick to it, then I can't assume that I'm going to stick to ANYTHING. So I follow through with the shit, and when it's done I move onto something else.

Guys asked me all the time why I came back to college to study useless literature and philosophy when my career is already built. Why? Because back in the day I made a plan to GRADUATE COLLEGE. So I'm coming back to carry out that plan.

Most of the guys at Pro Ho said they were going to go out every night when they moved in. But when it came down to doing it, most of them were too busy having epiphanies about how the game was evil and they needed to broaden their horizons. And they'd see me going out every night, and they'd talk up all sorts of shit (never to my face, where they were always SUPER cool and friendly to me, but when I wasn't around or in spiteful books) "He's a SOCIAL ROBOT!! He needs to find validation FROM WITHIN!!"

I'd see this going on, and inside I'd be thinking - "Look, I go out to meet girls and have a good time, and to develop my social skills to a point the level I know I'm capable of. If YOU were going out to fill some internal void, there's no need to PROJECT that shit outwardly onto the rest of us. Sorry if you don't like to bang hot chicks anymore, but the game isn't played at the lowest common denominator like that. Guys who enjoy it should be able to talk about it without those kind of projections being put onto them."

When I came into this game, like MANY GUYS I made the decision to dedicate a few years to it and reaching a certain skill level. The difference was just that I stuck to it, even past the point where I HAD to out of neediness and it was actually for fun.

I mean, the game is a GOOD THING. It's not a fucking FAD. You can make a FAD of "direct" or "indirect" or "attract" and "rapport." But you can't say that the ENTIRE GAME is a FAD. This shit has improved my life on so many levels. And there's other guys for whom it SAVED THEM from becoming introverted haters for the rest of their lives.

If YOU want these skills, don't let these rash of posts about lifestyle and balance hold you back. Especially since this whole EITHER/OR thing doesn't even make sense. You can develop them BOTH at the same time. At this point I have the lifestyle and the balance AND the game. I just went after it IN A NATURAL ORDER and ONE PIECE AT A TIME.

So do what you want to do. Take feedback, but in the end don't worry what other people will say. A lot of people dissed me for my choices. They felt fit to be CRITICS of what I'm doing, and to make an occupation of making subjective judgements on my decisions and doing what was right for ME at the time. And if I'd listened to them, I guess I wouldn't be getting dissed. But then, where would I be? I'd be where somebody ELSE thought I should be, not where I wanted to be MYSELF. So I guess what I'm trying to say is to think about that, and to do what's best for you.

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Mit dem was er im Kern sagt hat er recht. Seine Art gefällt mir aber trotzdem nicht.

Storyteller, wolltest du uns mit diesem Posting etwas bestimmtes sagen?

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First of all, being a social robot is cool. I like being a social robot. It's fun. So FUCK Y'ALL.

Einfach nur geil so ein satz, solche sachen können auch nur von mr. durden kommen :rolleyes:

Text gefällt mir gut. Ja story was hat es denn damit auf sich, woher hast du den text? Habe dieses ding vorher noch nie gesehen und ich kenne alle texte von tyler.

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Ja story was hat es denn damit auf sich, woher hast du den text? Habe dieses ding vorher noch nie gesehen und ich kenne alle texte von tyler.

Falsch Marv. Du kennst nicht alle Texte. Guckst du hier: http://www.fastseduction.com/masf/23/261420/

Der Beitrag würde am Freitag, den 21. Oktober 2005 um 02:28 Uhr nachts von Tyler veröffentlicht.

Gute Nacht.

Matty :rolleyes:

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Ja story was hat es denn damit auf sich, woher hast du den text? Habe dieses ding vorher noch nie gesehen und ich kenne alle texte von tyler.

Falsch Marv. Du kennst nicht alle Texte. Guckst du hier: http://www.fastseduction.com/masf/23/261420/

Der Beitrag würde am Freitag, den 21. Oktober 2005 um 02:28 Uhr nachts von Tyler veröffentlicht.

Gute Nacht.

Matty :rolleyes:

Ok cheers!

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