"Engagement außerhalb des Studiums" - Beispiele?

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Engagement außerhalb des Studiums". Was kann man da so (interessantes) machen? Was kommt gut im Lebenslauf?

Ich habe gerade mit meinem BWL Studium angefangen und bin deshalb weit von zu Hause weggezogen. Ich habe meine alten Hobbys aufgegeben und bin gerade dabei zu schauen, was ich jetzt neben dem Studium noch machen werde. Ich habe geplant, irgendwas zu machen, das mich in meinem Studium weiter bringt bzw. bei meinem späteren Beruf. Was gibt es da für Möglichkeiten? Was mich nicht interessiert ist z.B. bei der Fachschaft mitarbeiten.


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Studentische Unternehmensberatung, Fachschaft, politische Organisation, NGO, Toast Masters etc.

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Ich kopier einfach mal:

  • Arts: theater, music, dance, painting, photography, creative writing and other creative endeavors.
  • Church activity: community outreach, helping the elderly, event planning, community suppers, church-sponsored music and athletic programs, teaching or organizing for summer camps and retreats, missionary work, and any other activity run through the church.
  • Clubs: Chess club, mathletes, mock trial, debate, animé club, role playing club, language clubs, film club, skateboarding club, diversity/minority groups and so on.
  • Community activity: community theater, event organizing, festival staff, and many other activities that are organized through the community, not the school.
  • Governance: Student government, student council, prom committee, community youth board (see Sophie's essay), advisory boards and so on.
  • Hobbies: Be creative here. Read these articles on how Rubik's Cube or Collecting Free Stuff can be transformed into an extracurricular activity. Also, colleges are interested in your passion whether it be rocketry, model railroads, collecting, blogging or quilting. These interests show that you have interests outside of the classroom.
  • Media: local television, school radio or television, yearbook staff, school newspaper, literary journal, blogging and online journaling, local newspaper, and any other work that leads to a television show, movie or publication (online or print).
  • Military: Junior ROTC, drill teams and related activities.
  • Music: Chorus, band (marching, jazz, symphonic, concert, pep...), orchestra, ensembles and solo. These musical groups could be through school, church, the community or your personal group or solo efforts.
  • Sports: Football, baseball, hockey, track, gymnastics, dance, lacrosse, swimming, soccer, skiing, cheerleading and so on.
  • Volunteer Work and Community Service: Key Club, Habitat for Humanity, tutoring and mentoring, community fund-raising, Rotary, church outreach, hospital work (candy striping), animal rescue, nursing home work, poll worker, volunteer fire department, creating hiking trails, Adopt-a-Highway, and any other work that helps the world and is not for pay.

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