Der Weg aus der "Roten Pille" ... was meint Ihr ?

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Pick Up Coach "Sasha Daygame" in einem AMA Thread über den Weg aus der sozialen Konditionierung heraus, die uns zu Beta KJs gemacht hat :

"If I was in my 20's I'd leave school ASAP, get good with women, travel around the world being a bartender and fucking girls, till i figured out what i truly loved and then i would focus on that, get good and get paid to do what I love. Which is pretty much what I did! hahahah. The educational system is no place to get an education. And the Media/World view and all info you get are completely shit. THE ONE REALITY (which is all BS) is forced down your throat. Find your own information, do your own research, and trust you INSTINCTS above all else. Don't ever watch TV, it's poison. God out and experience life.

Yeah read "A New EArth" by eckheart Tolle, and Way of the Superior man by David Deada.... and if you want some deeper answers, read conversations with god. Most people aren't ready for that yet! haha"

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Harte Worte ... hat er Recht ?

Über die "Rote Pille" :

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Pick Up Coach "Sasha Daygame" in einem AMA Thread über den Weg aus der sozialen Konditionierung heraus, die uns zu Beta KJs gemacht hat :

"If I was in my 20's I'd leave school ASAP, get good with women, travel around the world being a bartender and fucking girls, till i figured out what i truly loved and then i would focus on that, get good and get paid to do what I love. Which is pretty much what I did! hahahah. The educational system is no place to get an education. And the Media/World view and all info you get are completely shit. THE ONE REALITY (which is all BS) is forced down your throat. Find your own information, do your own research, and trust you INSTINCTS above all else. Don't ever watch TV, it's poison. God out and experience life.

Yeah read "A New EArth" by eckheart Tolle, and Way of the Superior man by David Deada.... and if you want some deeper answers, read conversations with god. Most people aren't ready for that yet! haha"

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Harte Worte ... hat er Recht ?

Nein, ganz und gar nicht.

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