Craig bei Elimidate

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Versucht mal die Blumen und den Champagner unter dem Motto: "Tu das unerwartete" zu sehen. Weil's in der Sendung aus der Rolle fällt, kommt das so gut, sonst wär's supplication, ja.

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das zeigt mal wieder was Pu bringt...wer war im Finale : Craig und der Punker!

Wieso : Bei Craig PU generell^^

beim Punker: er hat sich einfach vom Rest der Masse abgesetzt!!!

aber die Tusse war heiß :unsure:

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An deinem Beitrag mag ich das Wort "geheimste" nicht :wub:

*will's wissen* ;)

uhhh da ist nix zu machen! ich hab mir schon den arsch dafür aufgerissen und bin nur an unbrauchbare fragmente gekommen. die jungs beschreiben das als "dynamit in kinderhänden".

kannst du diese unbrauchbaren fragmente hier zeigen? vielleicht kann ich ein ganzes daraus schaffen. ich habe etwas ahnung davon...

von wem hast du versucht die october man sequence zu bekommen?

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An deinem Beitrag mag ich das Wort "geheimste" nicht :angry:

*will's wissen* ;)

uhhh da ist nix zu machen! ich hab mir schon den arsch dafür aufgerissen und bin nur an unbrauchbare fragmente gekommen. die jungs beschreiben das als "dynamit in kinderhänden".

kannst du diese unbrauchbaren fragmente hier zeigen? vielleicht kann ich ein ganzes daraus schaffen. ich habe etwas ahnung davon...

von wem hast du versucht die october man sequence zu bekommen?

die october man sequence basiert auf der february man sache von milton erickson.

vielleicht kannste damit was anfangen

"based in part on a technique used by Milton Erickson called the

"February Man" when he creates a new hypnotic Identity that follows the person

throughout their past/present and future personal history."

"The October man sequence is doing just that but creates a new SEXUAL identity.

Symbol fractionation which developed into Symbolic morphology is used as a TOOL

to amplify and apply this technique."

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Elimidate 12/18/02

As most of you know I was chosen to be on Elimidate the HARD way. I was going to

be one of four guys competing for the same girl. I was nervous, because I have

seen episodes of the show where the girl cuts the guy that you just know is

going to win. I knew going into it that I would need a few tricks up my sleeve.

On the day of the taping they had a guy come pick me up from my house at 1:00

pm. I was a little late because my female roommate wouldn't let me wear my old

dirty shoes on the show and she made me buy new ones. I would thank her later.

We drove downtown to the meeting place where I was told that I would not be able

to see any of the other contestants until the cameras were rolling. My assistant

Erik took me to a bar where we waited until show time and told me that if I made

it past Round 1 I could have friends come down and watch the rest of the taping.

I warmed up by hitting on the hot bartender (who I definitely need to go back

for) and calling everyone I knew. 2 hours passed before my first on camera

appearance - The Interview.

The Interviews to me were the most interesting and unexpected part of the show.

They run 20 minutes long and you have to edit all of your answers into short

sentences so they can pick and choose sound bytes from them. They ask you very

direct questions about the other guys and force you to answer, even if you have

no idea what they are talking about!

My first interview was an introduction. They taped me walking up the street and

then had me talk about myself to try to find something they could use for my

introduction clip. I had to start of every sentence with, "I'm Craig and I'm..."

It got old fast!

During the interview I was informed that the girl on the show was a Playboy

Cyber Model. Basically a wanna-be playmate. This was great news to me at the

time because you know I love hot women! Of course they asked me to comment about

it on camera and I said, "I'm Craig and I am excited to be going on this date

with a Playboy Cyber Model, and she should be excited to be going on it with


Round 1

The first part of the date is the initial meeting, where the girl stands on the

sidewalk and the guys come up one by one and introduce themselves. I was chosen

to go first! Can you say "nervous"?!? When I got the signal I rounded the corner

to start my approach. She was about 30 yards down. There happened to be a tall

old man walking the same way and I hid behind him so she couldn't see me until I

was 10 ft away.

I was disappointed when I finally saw her. She was definitely hot, but she had

red hair (not my thing), and looked at least 26 (I later found out she was 32!).

Her name was Jennifer. I introduced myself and said, "They wanted me to go first

so I could help you screen the other guys." I stood next to her and the dudes

started coming in rapid fire motion, kind of like a night at Mystery's house.

The first guy was a tall dude with black spiky hair named Tom. He was dressed

nice and had a unique look. I wasn't sure if he would be competition or not. The

second was a guy named Dave, who she later said looked like Alec Baldwin. He

looked like he could be dangerous. The third guy was a mama's boy / Backstreet

Boy looking type named Nick. I knew for sure that I was gonna make it to the

second round!

As each of the guys came up I made a comment about them to her and pretended to

be screening. It was a little too chaotic for me to be noticed. Immediately

after the introduction they broke us up for another 20 minute first impression

interview, then we ventured into a Mexican restaurant for the showdown.

They had us all stand around a table with her in the middle. I ended up on the

far left of her. She was drinking a water and coffee and the rest of us were

drinking beers. During a short break she mentioned how she wished she could

sneak alcohol into her coffee cup, but before I could ask her why the cameras

were back on.

This round primarily involved her going through the basic dating questions and

everyone fighting for the floor. I always wound up answering the questions last

since the other guys were so eager to talk, and I felt that gave me a nice

advantage. When she asked us what we did and everyone else bored her to death, I

told her I was an ass model (Thanks Rick!).

Everyone was fighting for words when all of a sudden another girl rushed the

table! She dropped a bouquet of sunflowers on the table and walked away. Some of

the guys got real nervous when Jennifer started to read the card out loud, but

not me!

"To a fun and exciting first date - Craig"

"Ahhh that's soooo sweet!"

Damn I'm smooth!

We then had a 5 minute break where they asked me to tell the story of how I got

arrested in Tijuana for pissing on the street (Yeah right!) and talk more shit

to the other guys. Then another 20 minute round table session and another 20

minute interview where we said who we thought would get cut. Then back to the

table for the elimination. We were not allowed to talk to any of the other

contestants unless it was on camera, so when I would pass Jennifer during the

breaks I would say, "Don't look!" or "Don't talk to me!"

They made Jennifer ask us on camera who we thought should get cut and why and

none of the other guys said my name. I told her to cut the Nick cause he looked

too pretty, and Nick and Dave both said to cut Tom. She gave the normal speech

about how we were all great guys but she had to cut one, and that one was going

to be..........................................


I couldn't believe it! I was worried about him the most! She told him that she

cut him because he kissed her on the cheek when he introduced himself. Are you

listening, Poetdude? : )

Round 2

We had an hour dinner break and then we headed off to a night club called,

"Martini Ranch". We changed clothes (My first round attire was jeans and a T

shirt) and got together in front of the club for a walk-in shot. They told us to

talk about what each other was wearing, and when we got to the door Jennifer

turned and said "Shoe Check" and looked at our kicks. Thanks to my roommate, I

think she may have been blinded by the shine of my new wares! We walked inside

and were separated again and it was Martini's on the house, which of course I

took full advantage of. By this time some of my friends had made it down and we

hung out and plotted Round 2.

I thought it would be smooth to have a waiter deliver some Dom Perignon

Champagne during Round 2 and the producer told me he would arrange it. I thought

Round 2 was mine!

We walked over to the filming couch and the other guys jockeyed for position

next to Jennifer. This round was more of the same shit with the other guys

fighting over words and me throwing in my 2 cents when I felt necessary. It was

really hard to show personality with the madness going on and I wasn't so sure

how I was doing, but I didn't care because I knew I was going to be drinking

some fine vintage in a minute!

The waiter came by and asked, "Did anyone order champagne?" I held up my

hand...and almost turned it into a fist and knocked him out! They brought me

some cheap ass champagne that I wouldn't even want Ray Gordon to have to drink!

I went along with it and poured 2 glasses, but I knew my stunt had failed and I

was worried that the bubbly AND flowers was too much. I was nervous going into

the cut.

I did do one thing in Round 2 that separated me from the other guys in a big

way. It was Tom's turn to ask her a question, and he said, "So Jennifer, you've

been in Playboy, that's a pretty huge thing...How do the guys you date react to

that? Do they get nervous or intimidated?"

This was my best opportunity of the night to show her that I was the man! I

jumped in and said, "Tom, I bet they can't get over it and they bring in up

every 30 seconds like you've been doing this whole time! I'm sure it drives

Jennifer crazy."

She looked at me with the most knowing smile and said, "EXACTLY!"

After our next interviews, she asked us who we thought she should cut and this

time I said Tom cause he wouldn't shut his damn mouth. Nick said Tom as well.

She gave her little speech again and proceeded to



Haahahaa yeah right! Not all models are stupid!

Nick was the next to go. She said it was because he wasn't as experienced in

life as she was, and I agreed. She had over 10 years on him!

Round 3

When I found out Round 3 was the dance floor round I knew it was over. Tom was

6'5 and to picture him dancing almost made me lose my martini. I'm gonna look

like a ass in the interviews for this round because they made me say things

like, "This is the dance floor round and I came to get down!" I'm more nervous

to watch this round on TV then I was to film it!

During every break the producers came up to us and told us to talk more shit,

and said that was what Jennifer wanted to see. Ha! I don't blame them for trying

to get ratings, but they could have put me on with a frat guy or something. Tom

was pretty cool off camera.

We started off at a table for a 15 minute discussion, which in my opinion was so

boring that it will probably get edited out, then we went straight to the dance


The dance floor scene was awesome! I had about 10 of my friends there and every

time I would spin her around they would cheer like crazy. I felt bad for Tom so

I kept passing her back to him to be a good sportsman. I think I sealed the deal

when I pulled out an old swing dancing move and made her do a back flip. I

couldn't wait for the round to end so I could take her home!

We went outside for the final cut. All of my friends were standing behind us,

and when she turned to Tom and said, "It all comes down to height," the crowd

went wild!

I was the BIG WINNER!

The crowd was cheering, "Kiss Kiss Kiss", but she didn't turn her head towards

me. They had us do a walk away scene and after we waved, I pulled her around the

back of a building to try to make out, but she didn't follow my lead.

We went back to the bar and she finally got a drink. It turned out her publicist

told her not to drink on camera. We went outside and had a smoke, and she told

me that one of the reasons she picked me was because I never tried to sit next

to her like everyone else. She also told me, in not so many words, that she went

on the show strictly for publicity and had no interest in meeting guys. She

didn't even live in San Diego! Needless to say I didn't even bother getting her

number. I told her I would email her since she would make a good friend, but she

didn't have a pen so I said forget about it. She said I could get it off of her

website ( for all of you masturbaters out there) but I

didn't bother.

Overall I had a great time, but I really wish they would have had a real girl on

instead so I could have gotten some action! Thank you everybody for your tips

and suggestions...You guys definitely made it a lot easier for me. The show is

set to air sometime in February and I will let everybody know when so you can

make fun of me. If any of your girlfriends see the show and want to contact me

afterwards, they may do so at [email protected]. I'm gonna be famous!

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hay magix,

hast du jetzt was darüber oder nicht?

nur so aus neugier ;-)

grüße vo würzburger

edit: Ich lösch das hier besser wieder

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Wenn ich wüsste, wie ich das hochladen kann, würde ichs auch machen.

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Mir persönlich ist er zu sehr smiling people pleaser. Nun kommts auch immer auf die Konkurrenz an. Und die Situation ist hochgradig konstruiert, die Frau weiß, daß sie gefilmt wird usw...

- HappyT


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Gast ShitHappens

Interessant, dass Magix' Post anscheinend nicht von ihm selber editiert wurde..

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Wenn ich wüsste, wie ich das hochladen kann, würde ichs auch machen.

Was Deine virtuellen Freunde so alles für Dich machen... :D Klickst Du hier (40! MB)

Mir persönlich ist er zu sehr smiling people pleaser. Nun kommts auch immer auf die Konkurrenz an. Und die Situation ist hochgradig konstruiert, die Frau weiß, daß sie gefilmt wird usw...

- HappyT


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