Neuer PU-"Guru" Dr.Paul

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Edit: Zusammenfassung aller bisheriger Quellen (1. Juli 2006)

Newsletter Mai/Juni gepackt (offline)


Deep Inner Game (Trailer)

Deep Inner Game Review

Video 1

Video 2

Audioclip (30min, 6.5MB) (offline)

Seminar Preview (Audio, 10min, 3.7MB) (offline)



It's time. Our Method is now perfect. Our Strategy is flawless.

Your execution of Our Tactics will give you the power of a dating ninja, a relationship intelligence operative.

Diese Worte stammen von der Webseite bzw. dem Newsletter von Dr.Paul. Noch nie von ihm gehört? Er dürfte auch ziemlich unbekannt sein. Zuerst aufgefallen ist er mir im DYD-Videoseminar "Deep Inner Game" ( hier mein Review ). Ein anscheinend seriöser Psychologe, den DeAngelo wohl "entdeckt" hat, und in dem Dr. Paul sein Modell "MindOS" (OS wie Betriebssystem) vorstellt.

Nun hat aber dieser Dr. Paul wohl Blut am PU-Markt geleckt. Plötzlich kommt er mit einem "Dating OS" heraus und bietet "Special Forces" Workshops an. Ich habe keine Ahnung, was für Erfahrung der Kerl im Feld hat. Er sieht eher aus wie ein Milchbubi, irgendwie passend zu seinem Beruf. Mir scheint es, daß er David D. kopiert bzw. seine eigene Ansichten reinbringt. Er hat zB ein Persönlichkeitsmodell, in der er gewisse Persönlichkeitsanteile als "Warrior, Knight, Magic, Lover" aufteilt. Der "König" ist zB der vernünftige Ratgeber.

Mehr kann ich leider dazu nicht sagen, komme ja auch an kein e-book von ihm ran. Mir kommt es trotzdem befremdlich vor, da er sich volle Kanne mit den typsichen PU-Marketingsprüchen verkauft, was ihn mir aufgrund seines Backgrounds etwas unseriös erscheinen läßt. ZB:

We are going to teach you in a classroom setting all of my latest technology, including the new Dating OS, which is not yet available in any media form, and certainly not from any teacher you have ever heard of. It is patented, and far more powerful than any material I have EVER seen presented on the topic of dating and relationships.

Ja genau, er hat wohl das Rad neu erfunden ;)

Edit: Depp Inner Game Trailer hier (ganz unten)

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Hier noch ein Auszug aus seinem Newsletter. Die genaue Frage lasse ich mal wegen der Länge weg. Kurz: ein AFC und KJ in schlimmer Ausprägung, der nur vor dem Rechner rumhängt. Hier seine Antwort, in der am Ende auch seine Meinung über die PU-Gurus steht (ob sich David D. da wohl angegriffen fühlt?) :

So, you are ethnically like the multiethnic Colin Powell, the general and statesman who is QUITE masculine and has never in his life had a problem attracting and keeping women. This is a great question, though a vague, general one. The vagueness of it is an immediate clue to me that you need personal boundary work that shapes your IDENTITY as described in the mindOS ebook. Your history also suggests to me a potential ADDICTIVE component to your personality believe it or not.

For those of you who care, in the mindOS theory, ADDICTION = boundary holes + anxiety mismanagement, and so to get it handled, all you need to do is go to the boundary chapter and anxiety chapter and take it into practice in your life.

When you have an official mental health diagnosis, it is important to get help from a local professional rather than a book or seminar, but you will find that the qualifications of the local professional are of crucial importance, because their degreed level is in direct proportion to their sophistication of clinical skill and approach.

"Coaches" and NLP "practitioners" do not count. Anyone can go to a weekend course and learn either of these things, then hang up a shingle. There is ZERO substitution for rigorous training in science theory and clinical practice by an established university. Don't you think that if there were anything revolutionary about NLP or "coach training" that universities like Harvard and Stanford would pick up the ideas like crazy and offer doctorates in them? Duh. If they were real "technologies" they'd be subject to the same academic standards and board certification as anything else worthwhile.

I think that some of the reason for this confusion is the tremendous skill that some "gurus" over the years have had with MARKETING and SALES technique. Being a great marketer or salesman CANNOT magically make someone qualified at science or effective in treatment of illness or durable psychological change. Duh. Okay I said it again. Maybe someone will get it someday. Oh yeah, like when my book on this comes out next year. Okay.

Long and short, NLP is a simple hypnosis technique. That's it. Names changed, and instead of using a glittering pocket watch, the person talks you through a hypnotic induction and talks about beliefs and such. Guess what? It was already invented by Freud and advanced in innovation by a century of thousands of Psychoanalysts since then.

Today the most effective technique related to hypnosis I have ever seen or heard of is called EMDR. Get the book by the same name and go to any local therapist, most of which have been trained in it. It will be cheaper by a factor of 100 than a 5000$ seminar by someone with great marketing skill and zero science skill. Kudos to the great marketers, but I have just revealed your tricks. Sorry.

EMDR. Go get it. It's near free and gives PERMANENT change in your negative beliefs. Thank you. You can applause now. Keep in mind the most effective practitioner may be an M.D. or Ph.D. for this technique.

And yet hypnosis techniques are worth about 5% of the overall make up of a person’s needs in psychological treatment. You can't take the most fancy wrench and make it all you need to do maintenance on a Rolls Royce, and your psychology ought to be treated as valuable as one.

That's what I invented mindOS for--EVERYTHING else. However, in the Special Forces Training Camp we also do an EMDR demonstration. And you can actually learn to do this technique for yourself even easier than all the guys I know from college who dropped out and trained in NLP to "start a coaching practice."

Here's a bit on how ADDICTIVE personalities combine anxiety problems with boundary problems. This is also why some of your clinical professionals had a problem getting you to budge:

Addiction is exceedingly difficult to treat in part because it is not purely biological (e.g. has a medicine to treat it) and not even purely psychological. It certainly cannot be treated by YOU being passive and just absorbing material. This is why when I do seminars these days, they are not just classroom, but also in the field too, where you can be PUSHED into doing what needs to be done to fix yourself up.

Ultimately, only an addict can heal himself. I am not calling you a drug addict or alcoholic, though you may be prone to fall victim to these. Your addiction has more to do with the avoidance you once used in getting "substitute socialization" through video gaming. You were able to PASSIVELY sit around and not put yourself on the line, going out to FACE YOUR FEARS, through COURAGE, the technique I teach you about in the mindOS and Mature Masculine Power ebooks for destroying anxiety.

If you want to beat anxiety, you use a very old theory called Behavioral Therapy. This is what is at the core of EVERY book out there on panic attacks and social phobia. Problem is, it is very old and there are newer technologies.

The core technique though is valuable. Set yourself a CALENDAR of requirements you must meet. Go out and say hi to a hundred people one weekend. The next several days, escalate things to the point where you progressively desensitize yourself to more challenging interactions, such as actually asking people their names, or giving them high fives, to demanding of yourself that you talk for 5 minutes straight, then 10 minutes straight (a hundred times each), telling a joke, touching their elbow, then getting a number, then setting up a date.

You have to be the one to establish what your own personal, escalating scales of FEAR are, and the CURE at each stage will be the COURAGE to act in your own best interest, to face that fear and walk right through it.

The problem that you have and your professionals have with YOU, is that at the moment of COURAGE, you are entirely ALONE, and that is the way it MUST be. No one will go out with you and hold your hand. Even if you do our seminar, where someone WILL be holding your hand like a cool, hip, big brother, someday you will be on your own and will have to rise to the occasion with no "coach" present. And you are alone in that moment.

Guess what. It's okay. Just do it. The test of whether you can use COURAGE or not is whether an activity is LIFE-THREATENING or not. If talking to a woman cannot threaten your life, then you WIN, no matter what happens. If she laughs at you or is mean, that's okay. It didn't kill you. If she calls you a loser, that's okay. It didn't kill you. Doing this is for your OWN good, because it CURES social anxiety by:

1. Eliminating the anxiety by making you confident.

2. Patching the HOLES in your personal boundary by getting you through multiple REJECTIONS, little "NOs" that strengthen your boundary.

It just so happens that these two principles also eliminate the tendency toward addictions like video games, porn, having to drink in order to even talk to women, and any other "crutch" in your socializing.

To get them to work, you may also need to change your beliefs through EMDR though, since beliefs form what you might call your worldview, reality, or "frame." One is not easily coaxed into voluntarily changing his whole worldview, since it is like the "psychological ground" that we walk on.

You may see that these two cases show different levels of sophistication at socializing, and yet BOTH need mindOS™, KWML™ and DatingOS™. If a guy has some basic skills (like beating approach anxiety) but lacks sophisticated knowledge of profiling women's character and personality, they may get stuck in a weird, codependent relationship with a woman who is a nightmare for him. If he tries mastering character and personality without mastering the basics of sexual attraction, he might end up with an intimate knowledge of a woman who will never find him attractive, and what good is that?

The new technology (DatingOS) I am unleashing on the world completely explains what your hangups are, not only in "hooking up" or "approaching," but through the dating process and deep into relationships. This doesn't exist anywhere else, nor will it, because no dating guru has gone through twenty years of both psychiatric clinical training, seen 15,000 patients with problems of both a "dating" nature, AND deep problems with commitment, marriage, breakups, relationships, trauma, depression, anxiety disorders, ADD, OCD, career complications, cheating and betrayal, nor had an ounce of true scientific training in the field of human character and development. Of course many guys have dated a couple years, slept with a bunch of women, and have great locker-room stories to tell you with their own personal kitchen table wisdom. These are highly entertaining, and I recommend them for a good chance to bond with other men.

However, if you want permanent RESULTS, you may need some real science, and the same fun time you have at other seminars of course, with more mastery of ALL psychology, not just the advice of a big-brother-for-hire.

So far, DatingOS has only been available in person, at seminars (the next one is coming up in June in Chicago), but soon I will be offering a DVD version of how to master KWML technology which we filmed in December. It may be a full nine months before the recent Denver seminar on DatingOS is available to the public on DVD, but stay tuned on both of these products, as well as two new ebooks to be released shortly.

Dr Paul

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Ja genau, er hat wohl das Rad neu erfunden ;)

Also ich find das nur logisch!! PUA ist Psychologie. Habe mich immer schon gefragt, wieso dann gerade Psychologen keine PUA Werke veröffentlichen, sondern BWL-Studenten und Immobilienmakler :)

Ich persönlich bin auf jeden Fall deutlich gespannter drauf, als das nächste Werk von DeAngelo, Xuma und co. Mal sehen...

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Ja genau, er hat wohl das Rad neu erfunden ;)

Also ich find das nur logisch!! PUA ist Psychologie. Habe mich immer schon gefragt, wieso dann gerade Psychologen keine PUA Werke veröffentlichen, sondern BWL-Studenten und Immobilienmakler :)

Das liegt einfach daran, dass man in einem Psychologie-Studium nicht sehr viel mehr Nützliches über PU lernt, als man sich auch locker in 3, 4 Selbsthilfebüchern anlesen kann... Außerdem ist einer der Hauptaspekte beim PU bekanntermaßen die Praxis... und da sind Psychologen i.d.R. auch nicht im Vorteil.

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Dr. Paul is auf dem Gebiet schon über ein Jahr aktiv, also nicht sooo neu. Infield arbeitet er wohl wenig. Das stand glaube ich mal auf sosuave

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Ein erstes Review von Thundercats Lair:

My Story

Hey Folks, my name is Mike, and I attended the inagural Dr. Paul Dating OS seminar in Chicago last December. Before the event, I had spent a considerable time reading lots of the material that seems to have flooded the dating community, if you can call it that. Some good, some great, some bad. Lots of techniques and some self-improvement stuff. It helped and I saw some improvement in my dating life. In my life I had a couple of girlfriends and hooked up some, but it was hit and miss. I even went through a multi-year dry spell. A couple of them. I was still finding myself unfulfilled. In fact, it mostly sucked.

I seemed to attract a bunch of nuts and none of the women were ones that I really wanted to be with, and weren't the right ones for me. Like most guys, I was just couldn't get the ones that I really wanted. I would get slammed and rejected and I just couldn't push myself to the next level and put things together. I had started reading Dr. Paul's newsletter and books, and it just seemed to make sense to me. It presented a durable solution and I found that I was able to accept the concepts intellectually. Personally, I wanted to find a better solution that having a cadre of techniques that are derived from breaking down what is essentially a pretty simple process: that of attraction. His point really is true: Address and fix your inner game, and the outer game will follow. Enter the seminar. As soon as I found out about it, I knew I had to attend. It was December, and there were a lot of things I could have done with the money I was going to spend on the seminar and the trip, but I "just knew" I had to take advantage of this opportunity.

Fast forward to a cold December Saturday morning in Chicago. I went to the building where our meeting was not knowing what to expect. I walked in, and saw guys (and a lovely woman!) of all ages, backgrounds, and experience. I was surprised to find guys from all over the world too. There were 25 of us, and we were all there for 1 thing: to improve our dating lives. Finally, it was time to go upstairs and get ready for the seminar. We had to take care of paperwork and other things before we started. And I finally got to meet Dr. Paul in person.

The seminar started, and once I took a look at the material and what we were going to cover, I was BLOWN AWAY. The research and refinement Dr. Paul had done to this material addressed all of my dating life issues and how to handle them. All the way from knowing why certain girls weren't right for me, to how to find exactly what I wanted in a woman and how to get it. Why I havent had relationships go to the next level, or last for the duration too. The importance of having a story. I am bound by a non-disclosure agreement, so I won't go too much into the material. I will say after being in the classroom all day, the chair I was sitting in was killing my butt, but I wanted more. But, it was time to get ready for dinner, and the FIELD portion of the workshop. Theory and reading is one thing, but to see it in action is another. None of this stuff would have had the effect on me it did without it.

We went to dinner as a sort of family. A chance to bond, hear stories, and meet and get friendly with the coaches. We were assigned into smaller groups with a coach, and then had plans to switch groups later on. This way everyone got time with Dr. Paul. I left to go change to meet later with the guys at our first stop of the night.

I walked in the Cubby Bear, a neighborhood bar in Wrigleyville, and our first stop of the night. It was an X-mas pub crawl, and all of the bars were jammed with people. Now, in my life I have had problems with anxiety and I can tell you that it was at an all time high here. I was under glass, as the coaches were evaluating all of us from our dress and body language, to our attitude and approach. I found the guys, and saw Dr. Paul in his pimpafied fur coat with his big pink ring. He had about 7 girls around him and one was kissing his ring. I could not believe it. Typical to my history, I didnt really want to engage anyone, but a coach found me, and forced me into an approach. We talked to a couple of friendly girls, but I could feel myself blowing it, going down in flames. The coach said "you have too much negativity man. You are too negative. It's like you are pissed off or something." In hindsight it was something I needed to hear. In the moment, it didnt help, and I started to feel bad.

Our next stop was Red Ivy, a bar a couple of doors down. Once we got in, we switched our coaching groups. I was feeling pretty low not being able to approach anyone. I hung out with your coach, Jacob (name amended to protect privacy) and watched some of the other guys. Jacob is an interesting fellow, an artist. Women are literally not a challenge AT ALL for him. In fact, he is from out of state, but didn't even bother booking a hotel room in Chicago for the weekend, if you get my drift....anyway, Jacob really wanted to help me. He said "find a girl you like and tell me. We will do something about it."

I saw 2 girls and 2 guys standing in sort of a box, with the girls facing each other and the guys facing each other. The hotter of the 2 (tall, blonde, fit around 25, named Sam) looked at Jacob once, then twice. He had his back to her. I said "hey Jacob, that girl over there just looked at you. Twice." He said "which one, that one?" "Yeah." He walks over and I follow in order to eavesdrop. He walks up, at sort of an angle...

Jacob: like to dance?

Sam: No not really.

Jacob: No me either.

Now, that was all I could hear of the conversation, but it seemed to me like Sam had this look of "like you have a chance with me." But they quickly got cheek to cheek and were talking mouth to mouth, on the verge of making out. Turns out her group was leaving, going to the next bar in the pub crawl. Jacob got her phone number and put it into his cell phone. 30 seconds MAX.

No "how old are you, what do you drive, how much money do you make, what do you do." None of that, and he was almost making out with her. Blew my mind. (Incidentally, I followed up with him the next day on the phone number. I wanted to see if it was real. He goes "Oh yeah. Let me call her." He called and her machine picked up. I was listening over the phone. "Hi, this is Sam." Enough said...) Back to the bar. I managed to get in my own head and kind of strayed away from the groups.

I watched some of the guys talking to girls and the coaches talking to many girls. I literally shut down and couldn't get anything going. Honestly, I was FREAKING out inside. Dr. Paul noticed this, and said "don't worry about it. I will work with you personally this weekend. We will get this taken care of." At the time, I didnt believe him.

It was time to go to the next bar, and we were standing around talking, waiting on the other guys to gather up. Around that time, Orion (you might know him from David D stuff) asked me how I was doing. "Crappy" I replied. He was kind of disappointed I think. I kind of backed a couple of feet. Next thing I knew, he yelled to me. "YOU! Those 2. NOW!" and pointed to a couple of girls. I didnt have time to think. I went up to them...

Me: Hey girls, how's it going.

Girls: Good

Me: Are you guys doing the pub crawl? Having fun?

Girls: Yeah

About this time I was stuck for something to say. Luckily one of the guys from the seminar stepped in and started talking to one of the girls, leaving the hotter one for me; Allison - best looking girl I had ever talked to. Ever.

Me: So, that's a beautiful scarf you have on. Does it make you warm and fuzzy?

Allison: Sorta, I just like it. I like your shirt.

Me: Thanks. Look at my ring too. Cool isnt it? You should kiss it. (Tried to steal the Dr. Paul line)

Allison: Noooo, dont think so.

Me: So you are a good girl then?

Allison: I like to think so.

Me: Well, I would like to find that out.

About this time, I was struggling for more to say, and I did all I could do at this moment.

Me: Well, I am going to go back to my friends.

Allison: Awwww. (Turns to me, and blows me a kiss)(No joke).

I walk back to Orion, and all he says is "See?" I knew what he meant.

We go to the next club, an upscale and exclusive bar in Mid-Town. There was a private party in the upstairs and weren't many women in the downstairs part. We had bottle service (first class!) and it was a good time to reflect and discuss what went on at the other bars. Jonandre worked with me on some style tips and ways to carry myself.

I caught a cab with Dr. Paul and went back to the hotel. I was EXHAUSTED, but it took me a while to get to sleep. I was so excited about what took place that night. But gets better....

Sunday morning we all met back in the classroom, and things were abuzz with field reports and stories. I didn't have much to tell, but the progress that I made was huge for me. We covered the more advanced material of the program. A part of the seminar that was interesting was that Dr. Paul had many movie clips that really highlighted a lot of the material and how it manifests in real people. It was a huge eye opener, and we all could quickly analyze the situations in the movie with the framework of the DatingOS. Great, great stuff. We were all amazed at how fast we picked this stuff up. We analyzed some high profile couples too. Why Brad & Jen split. Why Bill & Hillary are still together.

Now, this is where Sunday gets real interesting. Dr. Paul does an EMDR demonstration at each of the seminars. No doubt, you have heard of EMDR in the newsletters, so I wont go into technical details here, other than it is a very advanced and effective sort of hypnosis technique. It eliminates barriers that other methods do not. Dr. Paul had promised to address my issues that came up Saturday night, and now it was time. Another guy had done it before me, so it became my turn.

I was apprehensive about having my inner issues drawn out before an audience, but I came to Chicago to get my problems solved, so I did COURAGE and went up. The best I can describe the process is that my mind went into a cloud-like state. I could tell that it was completely relaxed. An event came up from my life that I had completely forgotten about. Oddly, I found it linked to my total self-image, and that transferred to how I interacted with women. 20 minutes later, it was over. I felt like a new person. That something that had been holding me back for too many years was gone now. The guys in the group were all very supportive, and thanked me for sharing in front of them.

Time for dinner again, and another field workshop. We went to Stanley's Kitchen, a famous restaurant and karaoke bar in Chicago. Had a great dinner and follow-up discussions. Watched all of the coaches talk to a couple of the servers and had them laughing and falling all over themselves to hang out with the coaches. We went to the karaoke side for a bit and watched Robert, a guy from the seminar TEAR UP "Wanted Dead or Alive" by Bon Jovi. (nice). A couple of the guys remarked that I acted like a new person. From there, a few of the guys stayed and Stanley's and some of us went to Spoon, an upscale club.

Sunday nights are industry night, which translates into "models and up-and-coming actresses come here tonight." I walked in to Spoon with Robert, and we went to the upstairs part of the club. Robert went off to dance, and I was standing off to the side of the dance floor. Next thing I know, 2 girls grab me, and off we go to the dance floor. We danced a while, then went up to the bar. Some other girl comes up to us, and starts talking and hanging out.

Then another hott blonde comes up and starts dancing in front of me. All this is while I am standing there with my back against the bar, chatting up the girls. In walks Dr. Paul, and he says "Dude! What is this?!?" I looked at him like, "hey man, I dunno. But they are here." A couple of the girls get us drinks, and Paul says "let's do some advanced stuff." "That girl is testing you...turn your back to her. NOW!" I did it. 20 seconds later he says "now turn back to her, slowly." Did that, and she smiled.

About this time, the blonde grabs me for some attention. I pick up my finger and wave in a NO NO manner. She gives the pouty look and I motion for her to turn around. She does, and starts grinding her posterior on me. She looks back, and I give her the bored look. So she lifts up her short shirt to show me the tattoo on the small of her back. Then, I motion to her for more. Next, she pulls the strings of her little pink thong out of the top of her pants. I laugh. NICE!

One of the other girls walks off, and Dr. Paul goes "let's send to her." So we send, and she comes walking back in a few minutes. Great stuff. I could not believe what was happening. I had 5 girls that came up to ME, in the hottest bar in Chicago. Unbelievable. I even showed one of the guys from the seminar what I was doing and helped his game. Sure enough, a couple of girls came up to him. From there, we were exhausted, and decided to call it a night. I had accomplished what I wanted to.

Notice that we used "sending." Sending is such an underrated method. What I have found is that your are sending ALL THE TIME. Don't believe me? The next time you pull up at a traffic light, look over at the car next to you. The person always looks over. And women do it twice as fast as guys. That's sending my friends. In a nutshell. I will give you a small tip about sending for reading this far, free of charge, from me to you.

When I enter a place, be it a club, restaurant, music event, or whatever, I have what I call a default send. I imagine sending warmth, and good positive emotions all over the area. From there, I find the place I want to hang and stay there. In less than an hour, women will be orbiting and milling around. They will come up and say, "I am not sure why, but I felt I needed to come up to you." I have merged many groups of friends using this method, and made many new friends. It's unbelievable how this works. And it works over and over again.

Now, I will say this which is a theory. If I had not addressed my challenges and gotten this material from Dr. Paul, I would not be sure of the effectiveness of the above method. Maybe it would work, maybe not. I would be interested to hear reports from anyone that tries it.

So, thats my story. Dr. Paul promised that anyone that attended the seminar, he guaranteed that they would have a great guy/girl by New Years. I didn't have one. I had three. In January, I had four. And they all knew about each other. Heck, on the way home from Chicago, I met a girl on the way out of town, 2 at O'Hare, and 2 on the plane. In between I have had many relationships that were short-term in nature.

Now, I am dating a wonderful Lover (I am a warrior) that is Ivy-league educated, works with special needs children, and is beautiful. She is on my energy level, and we have a great time. But, I still socialize and make friends with new women all the time. I always wanted to hang out at the house and sit on couch or on the computer. Now, I am always going out. I would much rather socialize than anything else.

Before the seminar, my favorite complaint was "I never meet any women, and the ones I do are all nucking futs." Now I say "I cant believe there are so many beautiful, wonderful women that have so much going for them. How can I date them all?" Seriously. I came back from the seminar and studied the material, and have gone over the events of the weekend again and again. It really was life-changing.

Whatever happens with my current girl, I know I can meet a wonderful woman at any time. Do you have any idea how great it feels to walk into a place, and get looks from women that acknowledge they know you are a guy that has it together? In watching the coaches, I saw that attraction happens in 30 seconds or less. Everything that needs to be communicated is done in that time span. (Remember the Jacob story?)

Having access to the best dating system literally on the planet has put me over the top in that 30 seconds. When you KNOW, in your head and in your heart that you possess ways to deal with anything that women throw at you and anything that happens in relating to the opposite sex, it literally becomes no problem anymore. Rejection? Yeah right. At the worst, if someone walks off from me, more often than not, they will come back later on. It's just a test to see if you get rattled. Having this material makes it HER LOSS that she chooses to miss out on getting to know you. Even if a particular girl doesnt come back, so what? I can easily meet more.

This part of my life is handled. It's over. Having this out of the way, has allowed my quality of life to skyrocket in other areas. I have used this stuff and applied it to my business life with much success. My superiors have all mentioned that I seem more mature, and able to handle things better. I can easily frame the personality of people I have to meet and deal with on a daily basis. I have moved into a leadership role. I am continuting to use EMDR to overcome some business challenges, and move into a self-employed situation.

You wont see me in the "Top 10 Pick-up Artists of the Year" that Thundercat puts out (on which Dr. Paul got an honorable mention by the way this year.) You wont see me going toe to toe with Mystery, or the RSD guys. I couldnt care less about that stuff. I don't want to notch my bed post with the number of strippers I have banged. (Although, I did a little demonstration for my brother with a girl from his work. To this day, she will not leave him alone about me) I am just a guy from Alabama that went to the seminar, did courage and handled my business, and have had more success than I can imagine. Sometimes, I think I am living in a dream.

Finally, I want to mention Dr. Paul is a great guy. He could be teaching this stuff for 2, 5 or 10 times the price AND GET IT. He could work one on one with weathly guys. But he doesnt. He chooses to work with groups in a seminar format, that is less in cost than other guys that is not nearly as effective. He even gave me a ride back to my hotel from Spoon on Sunday night at 1 A.M. even though I could tell he was tired, and had to be back at work on Monday morning. Dr. Paul, from the bottom of my heart, I want to say "THANK YOU." My life is incredible now. I went through years of medication, therapy and other stuff, and nothing ever came together until the seminar. Thanks so much.

Most of the other guys out there that do workshops focus on the actual pick-up. Some have good stuff. Like I mentioned, the process of attraction happens in less than 30 seconds. After that, what do you do? Attraction, after all, is a pretty simple process that has been sliced and diced up by guys teaching stuff. In my experience though, you either have it together or you dont. Dr. Paul addresses all of that. Anything that you can encounter all the way from "picking-up" to marriage or a break-up is handled. There are less than 100 people on the planet that have this information. Good for us, bad for you.

For the people that were on Dr. Paul's list back when he offered the seminar in December, but didnt attend, another 6 months has gone by. Are you where you want to be? I am, and more. When I committed to going, I didnt really have the money either. But, in January, I lucked in to getting some side work for a couple of weekends that exactly paid for the seminar, and my plane ticket and hotel room. Deliver pizzas, cut grass, whatever for 3 months. Just get there.

As a favor to Dr. Paul (incidentally I haven't communicated with him since the seminar) I have set up a new e-mail box. If anyone has questions about being a seminar STUDENT only (I am not qualified to answer problem questions) email me through Dr Paul's assistant, shauna ([email protected]), who has kindly agreed to forward questions to me. And no, not under any circumstances will I give you a copy of the material. Don't even ask. It wouldn't make sense to you anyway without the classroom instruction. Any of the guys from the December seminar, I would love to hear from you; let me know how things are going!

Take care all.


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Der Mann wird mir immer symphatischer. Wenn jemand die DVDs hat, die er auf seiner Homepage anbietet, würde sie gerne mal ausleihen.

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Dr.paul ist kein pu guru. Oder ist er wirklich ein PUA der richtig Frauen pullt? Ich bezweifle es. Wenn ist er Psychologe, und nichts anderes.

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Dr.paul ist kein pu guru. Oder ist er wirklich ein PUA der richtig Frauen pullt? Ich bezweifle es. Wenn ist er Psychologe, und nichts anderes.

Stimme dir zu, das er kein Aufreißer ist, aber sein MIND OS finde ich sehr gut für Inner Game Probleme. Und all game is inner game ;)

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Ein interessanter Post aus seinem Newsletter, vor allem weil er mit einem Filmtipp eingeht und auf määnliche Initationsriten, Männergruppen und ähnliches eingeht:

The film, GREEN STREET HOULIGANS has just been released to DVD. It was briefly in the theatre a long while ago, and I missed it but wanted to see it. My brother told me about it, and now I have finally caught up with him on this profound story for men who are learning to be bigger men. It will show you insights into masculinity that no textbook, politically correct news story, or standard authority figure will afford.

It doesn't benefit powerful men or women for you to be powerful too.

This one's for my brother, Don. He introduced me to the film.

Without ruining the ending, this tale shows a wimpy Harvard journalism student Elijah Wood) expelled from school due to the fact that his pompous roommate has hid his cocaine in the guy's locker.

Wood takes his medicine without a fight, and simply decides to visit his sister in London for an indeterminate time to figure out what to do about his life.

When he falls in with the "gang" led by the younger brother of his brother in law, he learns a lifetime of lessons about being at first, a thug, but eventually being a MAN.

Like Saving Private Ryan, Gladiator, Braveheart, and Band of Brothers and other screen works, this film is a study in courage, masculinity, and what it means to be initiated into manhood by a group of other more competent male mentors.

Yet the mentors to Elijah Wood show quite a range of maturity level themselves, and the instruction of one is not the same as that of others, you see.

There is a direct parallel in the film that can be applied from just the general idea of being a real man, to the idea of skill with relating to women.

In the USA and many western societies, about 30 years ago there was a severe decline in the level of personal time and instruction spent by fathers on their sons, and any cultural knowledge out there (if there ever was any) on how to "successfully be a male adolescent" essentially evaporated too with the media party line of the day.

As it became more and more important for a man to strive in ambition at his career and financial state, so much of an adolescent’s attention turned to career ambition and success, that many men today suffer for lack of some primal knowledge of instincts of competition, aggression, and sexuality – thus the rise of street gangs, the men’s movement of the 90s, and such male angst-ridden films as FIGHT CLUB.

Knowledge of aggressive and sexual instincts can only happen at the most profound level through personal experience, and we see today how many entrepreneurs have jumped in to provide "services" intended to fill this gap in the knowledge (and the very souls) of today's men.

All the career knowledge and success and money in the world cannot provide you with this. It is good that men are stepping up to the plate to teach other men what they know this way.

But as Elijah Wood learned in GREEN STREET HOULIGANS, learning the animal part of masculinity from what amount to other animals only goes so far in putting the power of instinct to practical use in our lives as men.

Wood finds meaning in BELONGING to a group of other men, and from this place arises his very first experience of true and solid identity as a man. It is an INITIATION by delinquents, and the very thing missing today for men in any kind of organized fashion.

Yet it takes the elder founder of the "firm," or British "gang" of football hooligans to show Wood that mastering the animal side of masculinity alone still does not make one a complete, mature and powerful man. It is one of several puzzle pieces. One atom of many that make up the molecule that is your masculinity – the core atom to be sure, but one of many.

This is what we do in live seminars. We have all the atoms, all the puzzle pieces, and the full box top picture of that puzzle. It’s yours for the taking if we do it again this year.

The crucial steps of initiation that Elijah Wood goes through are:

1. Recognizing that something is missing. That he doesn't belong to the ranks of real men, for all his Harvard Education.

2. Having just a spark in him of courage to confront a potential mentor, who tests his merit to see if he is ready to initiate (the gang leader who happens to also be a gradeschool teacher and sports coach).

3. Finding himself that that lonely place, facing harm to his person, his body, the aggression of hostile other men, and finding that the harm to his self-esteem in running away yet another time is far worse than bodily harm. To leave the group of men who know about instinct and aggression, or to stay in their leagues. To decide of his own free will to fight for HIMSELF and his personal honor.

4. recognition by the mentor, and acceptance into the group as a trainee.

5. deciding out of his own free will to fight for the GROUP'S honor.

6. deciding out of his own free will not simply to fight for a group's honor, but to fight for JUSTICE.

7. Then, he is an initiated man.

So I ask you in your understanding and skill with relating to women, developing your own masculinity, and making your way in the world, if you have yet decided to honor and fight for yourself, to place yourself as more important than a woman in your life, a job, or a "boss." (This I teach you in the mindOS ebook about Personal Boundaries.)

Have you belonged to a group of other men and been loyal to them? Have you held them as more important than "that special woman" in your life? Or did you forsake them for her, and find that quickly, silently, she was less attracted to you the more you "put her first?"

And for all the "trainings" you've done, texts you've read, and "products" you've tested from others who know how to be "male animals" but from whom you would never buy a used car (my personal test of any friend or coach), did you learn to forsake those others to do what is RIGHT, not in anyone's opinion but YOUR OWN.

That is the moment of true initiation, not just by physical courage, but the courage of character decisions, the very ones that women are programmed to throw you, every moment of every day relating to them.

When you have been through an initiation such as this you don’t need a "cheat sheet" of notes to follow, canned memorized lines to use, or CDs to listen to.

It is already in you and automatic.

Real men are neither hooligans, nor overintellectual wimps. They have somehow, whether late-bloomers, or "naturals," mastered adolescence, but also moved on to high character.

And in this light, there is no such thing as a "natural" with women, because they too must pass through the tests of initiation at some point, and enter the high character that is far more attractive to women than just the traits of a "primitive man" alone. Women make errors in judgement and sleep with "Bad Boys" for a night, but almost never will enter an ongoing dating relationship or commitment with one (unless they are drug-addicted, immature, or what many men call "high maintenance" - does that sound like what you re after?)

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auf ner skala von 1-10 wie sehr hat dr. paul euer inner game verbessert?

also wenn es vorher z.B. 6 war, seid ihr dann jetzt auf ner 6.1 oder auf ner 8?

würde mich mal interessieren, an alle die, die die geduld hatten, sich die imho extrem langweiligen cd's/dvd's anzuhören.

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Kürzlich habe ich Dr. Pauls ebook

The Gentleman's Toolbox:

101 fun things to do while you socialize with women

erhalten. Länge ungefähr 170 Seiten. Es ist eine Sammlung von Routinen und Openern, anscheinend hauptsächlich verschiedene Spiele für den Club-Bereich. Getestet habe ich noch nichts, aber rein vom lesen wirkt es ziemlich PU-Konform. Wenn ich mich mehr damit auseinandergesetzt habe schreibe ich ein separates Review dazu. Um mal ein Gefühl dafür zu kriegen stell ich mal einen Teil des Inhalts rein (für den Rest war ich zu faul zum tippen):

("Outer Game" that has a REAL backing in SCIENCE)

1. Sending


3. Bluebeard

4. The Pickup Line Game

5. The Aristocratic Treatment

6. The Value of a Postage Stamp

7. Wearing A Costume Jewelry Engagement Ring

8. Back Play

9. "Magic Stick"

10. The Foreigner

11. The "Producer's Party"

12. Karaoke

13. So you're saying YOU have a problem?

14. Mean People and Joking about Self-esteem

15. The Cube

16. Horoscopes

17. Fur Coats

18. The Pan-Am Smile and the Duchennes Smile

19. That "Charity Benefit" you have to go to

20. "GayMOGGING" and other types of "MOGGING"

21. Slaps, and games of "intelligence"

22. High Fives and Other Initial Touches

23. Your Scottish Eyebrows, and Other Unusual Physical Features

24. Guessing Heritage: You're Korean-Russian Aren't you?

25. You've PLAYED this game!

26. The Name Fame Game

27. Wedding Crashing (and Other Crashing)

28. "I have to give you a ticket for looking too good!"

29. Fireman, Policeman and other uniforms

30. Talk-MOGGING: Conversational Terrorism

31. My favorite: Your look says I'm your favorite. You might be mine too!

32. Animal sounds

33. Pets

34. Pretend what I am about to tell you is of utmost importance!

35. The Voluntary "Stare" for mind-reading

36. The Rule of 8s and 10s

37. Photographic Investments

38. The Craigslist Art Student

39. The Flavor of a Kiss


41. Reverse Ordering at the Bar

42. Trains, Planes and Spontaneous Roadtrips

43. Caveman Language

44. The "Uh, hh, cool. Right on." Opener

45. Camouflaged Water Shots and letting Women Treat

46. Finger-dancing

47. Every Song is based on the Proclaimers 500 Miles

48. Volunteer Wingman

49. Everyone in my family is named Antonio

50. We Two Are Brothers


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Ich hab das mind OS Buch jetzt fast durchgelesen. Entspricht im Prinzip dem "Deep Inner Game" Video mit DeAngelo, die Kritik läßt sich also damit vergleichen.

Das KWML-Buch (King, Warrior, Magician, Lover) ist ultrakurz (ca. 45 Seiten) und für den Vollpreis überteuert. Die Essenz läßt sich in wenigen Sätzen zusammenfassen:

King / Queen: kopflastig- theoretisch, zurückhaltend- mütterlich

Warrior: kopflastig- theoretisch, offensiv- väterlich

Magician: emotional- erfahrungsbezogen, offensiv- väterlich

Lover: emotional- erfahrungsbezogen, zurückhaltend mütterlich

Ziel ist ausgeglichen alle Anteile in sich zu integrieren. Nach seiner Meinung sollte man sich einen gegenteiligen, ergänzenden Partner suchen:

King - Magician

Warrior - Lover

Evtl. einen "angrenzenden" Partner:

zB King mit Warrior oder Lover

Partner mit gleichem Temperament (King - King) würden zu Co - Abhängigkeit führen

Das ganze ist noch in eine anfängliche Geschichte verpackt, die aber nicht wirklich Mehrwert bietet. Außerdem steht in "mind OS" und "Gentlemans Toolbox" auch schon das wichtigste zu KWML drin.

Fazit: viel zu teuer

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